Model farm development

Model farm development
Model farm development


Success in organic farming can be achieved only when all the components of organic farming are implemented properly in the field, keeping this in mind Abhinav has established models of organic farming at many places in collaboration with progressive farmers. Many farmers have been influenced by these model farms and have adopted organic farming practices on a large scale.

Objectives of Model farms :

  • To motivate farmers to adopt organic farming system
  • To demonstrate various new crops , innovative methods , low cost agricultural techniques
  • To establish a local indigenous technical knowledge teaching center
  • To enhance the income of farm and establish financially independent unit
  • To provide round the year employment.

Parameters of Model Farm

Tree Management

Bund plantation, Bio gas , own nursery activities should be adopted in a model farm

Land Management 

Minimum tillage, Counter bunding , use of bullocks or less heavy machines etc. work should be done.

Water management 

Good drainage , soil bunding , Use of drip and sprinkler, Water harvesting structure etc. should be practiced in a model farm

Crop management

A ready map of the field, crop plan for each season, varieties of different crops in Kharif / Rabi / Zayed season, should be in the model form. Bund plantation , trap crop , crop rotation , border crop , intercrop should be adopted in all seasons.

Biodiversity Management

A model farm should have the presence of a good number of different plants, birds, earthworms, ants, snakes, bees, frogs etc.

Food Source contemplation

The requirement of commodities like pulses, oil, cereals, vegetables, spices etc. should be met by the modal farm.

Seed management

Use of own seed,  organic seed treatment, adoption of proper seed spacing and seed rate, and following the dates of the biodynamic calendar.

Pest Management
Use of homemade pest disease controllers ,Light and sticky traps, Hand Weeding, repellent crops , push and pull strategy should be adopted

Nutrition Management 

The recommended and divided doses of Improved F.Y.M. should be used. Localized placement and avoid summer application of manure should be practiced

Animal husbandry management

There should be an availability of straw and grain for the animals from the model farm.

Storage Management 

Model farm should have storage structure to keep crops and other equipment

Income generation from other activities  

Other agricultural activities can be helpful in increasing income – such as processing agricultural products, making soap, phenyl, sculptures etc., from cow dung, Agro tourism, Training to other farmers, etc.

Economic management

A model farm should have a systematic accounting of income expenditure and sales from farm to market.